Email Sign-Up

Your Information Is Safe With Me

Subscribe With Confidence.

I’ve been marketing online since 1995. We made up the rules as we went along back then.

Now, it’s very bad business to sell, rent or abuse information provided by you. I won’t do it. Not only because it’s bad business but because I wouldn’t want it done to me.

If you don’t want to hear from me you can let me know in a couple of ways;

  • email me back and just tell me – we’ll high five and go our separate ways
  • any automated email I send you with care has an “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom – click it and you’ll never hear from me again
  • please don’t click spam or just delete my emails as it doesn’t help me or people who want to get my emails

Responsibility To You

My responsibility to you begins when you come to my website. I don’t take your information from you, you provide it to me. If someone else you know uses your information on my website, I apologize and will make it right if you let me know. But nobody is added to my email list who doesn’t provide their email knowingly. You have my word. 


Rob Bishop
Binkley Toys Inc.